An Injury Shouldn't Have You Traveling at a Snail's Pace...Reclaim Your Lifestyle Today.
Recovering from a major foot/ankle injury or surgery is challenging enough – don't let it compromise your lifestyle. Enjoy our Complete Guide To Non-Weight Bearing Recovery for information, tips and advice to help you anticipate common recovery roadblocks, alleviate discomfort and heal faster.
Grab this guide to learn everything you need to know about non-weight bearing recovery and let only the snails travel at snail's pace.
You'll be able to learn:
Pre-surgical preparation to eliminate surprises
What to expect after surgery for a speedy recovery
Best foods to eat to stay healthy and agile
How to navigate stairs, showers and use the toilet during your recovery period
How to choose the mobility that's right for you to reclaim your lifestyle faster
Key medical terminology so speaking with your doctor is simple and comprehensive

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